I tried to turn on the 975 and it just clicks, no display, etc. Any thoughts? I s there a hard reset of any kind?
Thank you!
Fronts: 2 Magnepan MG-III bi-amped w/ pair of Threshold S/300 Stasis Linear Amps, fed thru Magnepan XO-1 Crossover (all purchased Jan 1986)
Surrounds and Backs, Center: 4 Magnepan MG-MC1, 1 Magnepan CC2; driven by Parasound HCA-2205A 5-channel amp (all purchased Feb 2002)
Sub: 1 Miller & Kreisel (MK) MX-200 (Feb 2002)
Pre-Pro: Outlaw Audio 975 (2012); replaced Rotel RSP-1066 (2002); replaced Threshold FET One Preamp (1986)
Display: Vizio XVT3D580CM (2012)
DirecTv: HR34-700 (2012)
Blu-Ray: Oppo BDP-103 (2012)
Laser Disk: Pioneer CLD-900 (1986)
Power Control: Panamax MAX-5100, APC Battery Backup