JA mentioned in his bench test that "the receiver inverted the signal polarity at the speaker terminals." When hooking up speakers to the RR2150, should the hook-up be "Red/+ to Red/+" or "Red/+ to Black/-" ?

I have been using the RR2150 in a bedroom system for two months now and I have it paired with NHT SB2 speakers and a SONY RDR GX515 dvd recorder/player. Excellent sound ... surprised with how well the SONY is doing in this set-up. First tried Signal Cable silver speaker cables and IXOS silver hybrid interconnects and it sounded too shrill at the top end. Replaced the interconnects to Signal Cable copper and that brought the sound back to where it should be. Best tuner I have used .. picks up more stations that vintage Grundig and Marantz tuners that I have around.

Regards, Rich