Hello all,

First, I'd like to say that I am really impressed with Outlaw Audio. I haven't heard a single piece of their equipment but the community and following they have generated is a testament to their commitment to building cost-conscious-cost-no-object audio equipment.

I've had a Paradigm Reference Active system for about 10 years now. (Active 40's for main, 20's for rears, the matching Active CC and a Servo-15). I love my speakers. I hate my electronics.

I'm running a Denon AVM-2801 as a pre-amp. It's out of date and quite frankly, I find it really lacks musicality. I've been through a barrage of other preamps; Adcom, NAD & Parasound. I just found none of them had that extra "something".

Then I found a preamp that did - I had the opportunity of using a Krell Evolution 202 for a while. It's an outstanding unit (and at the price, it should very well be). It was a loaner, and it's out of my budget (WAY out) but it proved to me that what I'm looking for IS out there.

Obviously (well, hopefully for Krell's sake) the 997 won't be as tall of an order, but... Well, how good is this unit going to be?

The 990 has such a golden reputation - sonically.

Ultimately, I know it's going to be up to my ears to decide, but after reading about what people have said 990 and what people expect out of the 997 I haven't been this excited about pre-amp... Well, ever.

So, 990 and potential 997 owners, how do these units perform musically? I do need a HT unit because I will use it for that, but 2 channel is my main concern.

Has anyone used the 990 with Paradigm Actives?

Thanks for your thoughts!
