I purchased the 7 M 200s on the buy 6 get one free plus free shipping deal. I just couldn't resist. I am very happy with the amps. I added a 950 later.

Pluses for the M200
7 amps at 18 pounds each, versus 90 pounds for the 770.
You can split them up
Individual power supplies

Negatives for the M200
7 individual plugs--if you're a panamax/brickwall type of person, this is going to cost you a bundle.
They take up a lot of space, I have two stacks of three with space above them. And my 7th shares some space with my subwoofer amp.

They are imported vs. made in USA. It has been my experience that companies make their top-of-the-line products at home, and are willing to import their other products. This may be only a perception issue.

Financial difference:
You can get 7 of these amps for less than a 770. That seems counter-intuitive to me. With 7 cases, 7 power supplies, 7 power cords, it should be more expensive than a 770. Before the Outlaws did the deal that I jumped on they were more expensive than a 770. I would guess that the M200s don't sell as well as the 770, and that the Outlaws have to be willing to accept a lower profit margin on the M200.

I think you'd have been happy either way you went. When is the combo set to arrive?